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Finding Bliss in the Simple things

Updated: Jul 28, 2023

We grow & evolve through reflections - some are good - which bless us & some are bad - which teach us.

But no reflection is sweeter than that of stillness shared together.

I have spent a lot of time cultivating that divine space of silence with the ones who work with me on Self (improvement/evolution/realisation). There is a beauty in working together to expand the inner spaces using meditative practices such as Qi kung, Tai chi, Yogasana etc. But when that space opens up naturally by spending time together, it truly feels as blessings coming down from above.

Few weeks back, I was blessed with this lovely experience in the company of dear Sneha and Mahima. Although we have all been cultivating ourselves through practices online for more than a year now, the magic of meeting together in the same space in Gokarna truly reflected the fruits of sadhana for us all.

It was the first time I met Sneha face to face. I was quite amazed at how quickly she caught the magical vibe of Spirit which Mahima & I work to go deeper within ourselves & to assist others in cultivating. From the moment we met, the flow was on. It was simply brilliant.

The next few days were spent in sharing the truth of self from the depths of our hearts. Blissful moments. Flow was experienced in all aspects together - through different practices, energy healings, sharing meals, satsangs, enjoying temple spaces, exploring caves and so on. As the days passed, the stillness we all shared grew deeper. There were plenty of moments where the eyes would naturally close as the bliss experienced within had reached such elevated realms.

The picture clicked above was on the day before Sneha was leaving Gokarna. It was a bittersweet feeling - bitter cause she was leaving & it felt too soon, sweet cause of all the lovely experiences we shared together. Sneha, Mahima & I spent quite some time that day walking about, dipping our feet in various water bodies and just enjoying wholeheartedly the simple things in life. It was great teachings for our dear Snehaji - how life is truly enjoyed through the simplest of experiences & how sometimes we unnecessarily complicate things and lose out on that simple bliss.

Snehaji is back in Dubai now & fully in mission mode - on the mission of simplifying her life out of all complications and to tune her life into that of Bliss.

Simplicity truly is Bliss.

All the Blessings, Prayers and Love to our dear Snehaji as she works on manifesting her Dreams into Reality.

Dream on my dearest sweetest One. Spirit is always with you & within you.


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Membro desconhecido
31 de out. de 2022

❤️❤️❤️❤️ Lots of love and blissful moments indeed.

Thank you Kalkiji and Mahimaji for the wonderful experience.🙏🏻❤️✨🤗

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